Our Favorite Blogs

Hi guys!

We wanted to share our personal favorite blogs that we LOVE to follow. A good blog is one that includes a little bit of everything from nutrition information, running humor, food, training tips, food, life in general, inspiration and more food! 🙂 Our number 1 favorite blog to follow is: Run Eat Repeat This blog has literally everything we listed above and more! She is so inspirational, always running some marathon somewhere! She is, more importantly, honest and genuine to her readers. This is hard to find in the social media world. Most people try to take the perfect picture or post their perfectly healthy food, but Monica just tells it like it is! Above all though, she loves watermelon and cats… so that just makes us triplets. run-eat-repeat-highlights_thumb

A few more that we just absolutely LOVE To follow are : Run to the Finish,  Blonde Bun Runner and The Balanced Blonde (previously known as “The Blonde Vegan.”) All of these blog provide us (and others) with daily inspiration that might help give us that little extra push when we’re just not feelin’ it one day. Make sure you follow all of these wonderful ladies and leave us some of your favorite blogs to follow in our comments!

Love, Haley and Katie

P.S.- Follow us on Instagram now @Friends_to_the_finish